Latex fetish
Female/Female lesbian sex
Apparently, when the “Check Engine” light comes on, it actually means something.
Elizabeth Jenkins had just learned that the hard way. Her Fiat was dead at the side of the road. She was in the middle of nowhere, and it was pouring rain. She was fairly certain she was about to miss her speech to the graduating class of the University of Maine. Not that there were likely many future Fortune 500 CEOs in that class. Nonetheless, the speaker’s fee had been decent and, since she had sworn off relationships, she had a little free time on her weekends. Elizabeth didn’t understand how any serious career woman could afford the luxury of a love life. You didn’t get where she’d gotten, at 33 years old, without sacrifices.
None of that mattered right now. She couldn’t even get cell reception and she, at the very least, needed to phone and apologize. Perhaps there was a home nearby? Even through the downpour, she could spot a large building in the distance. Digging an umbrella from behind the seat, she steeled herself for a wet walk.
The umbrella didn’t turn out to be much help; the wind was blowing the rain almost sideways. She was soaked when she reached her destination. Thankfully, she kept her hair as short as her professional appearance allowed. As she neared the building became clearer. It was a mansion. An honest-to-god mansion, massive and Elizabeth guessed easily worth millions, even if it was in the middle of nowhere. It was at least a hundred years old and, for a moment, she had a flash of “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” in her mind. It was silly, there was nothing like the Frankenstein place in the real world.
There was no doorbell, just an ornate knocker shaped like a nymph. A nymph with bare breasts, Elizabeth was a little shocked to see. She grabbed it anyway and knocked firmly. Shivering slightly, she anxiously waited almost two minutes before the door opened at last.
Elizabeth didn’t realize her jaw dropped, when the vision of the woman who answered the door came into view. She was, quite simply, exquisite. Perfect red lips, smooth, ever so slightly pale, skin and an hourglass figure out of an erotic comic book. Her eyes were the most piercing, icy, blue, that Elizabeth had ever seen and for a second it felt like she would sink into them. It wasn’t until moments later she noticed the woman was clad head-to-toe in latex. Elizabeth had never seen such a thing, or even heard about it outside rumors of fetish clubs. The latex was still somehow stylish. It hugged her form perfectly, showing off her fit body and her perky C-cup breasts. Elizabeth guessed she might be a decade older than herself; her waist-length, raven black, hair was showing streaks of white. It made her look wise.
Elizabeth had never been more than a tiny bit bicurious, until now at least. Now it was more than a tiny bit.
“Oh my poor dear!” the woman exclaimed, “Come inside at once!”
Elizabeth gratefully did.
She never suspected, when those doors closed behind her, her life would be forever changed.
“You’re soaked,” she said with a tone that conveyed confidence and concern. Elizabeth considered herself highly confident, and this woman was putting her to shame.
“Take those wet clothes off and we’ll find you something to wear while they dry.”
Elizabeth hesitated. She didn’t know anything about this woman, not even her name.
“Where are my manners?” the woman spoke, as if on cue, “I’m Gwendolyn.”
“Elizabeth. Hi. Could you get me some new clothes first? Then I can find a bathroom to change in.”
“Oh, you’re shy. That’s darling. I’ll grab a blanket for now. Then we can check my wardrobe. You’re not far off my size, except in the boobs department. Maybe, I have a robe or something.”
“Be right back.”
Elizabeth slipped off her shoes and took a look around.
The house was even more stunning on the inside. The word “opulent” gets over-used these days, this was true opulence. Gorgeous rugs. Fine paintings on the walls. A gorgeous crystal chandelier just for the foyer. Elizabeth had a very nice salary. This put her to shame.
Even the blanket Gwendolyn returned with looks to be worth at least a thousand dollars. Gwendolyn was cold enough she took it anyway. Wrapping it over herself, she awkwardly removed her clothes.
“Would you care for a drink?”
“Do you have coffee?”
“Not really. How about something, stronger, to start off?”
Gwendolyn motioned for her to follow into the nearby room. It was a posh living room, impecably decorated, featuring chez lounges, beautiful couches and even a full bar. Her host picked up a bottle of something smoky and poured two fingers into a glass. She handed it to Elizabeth.
“What is it?”
“A cure for what ails you,” said with a smile, “bottoms up.”
Elizabeth took a sip, her taste buds meeting with a smoky, sweet taste. Mead, maybe? It was delicious, and she drained the glass in a few gulps. She felt warmth spread through her as it went down. It was a lovely change from being frigid.
“Good?” Gwendolyn asked.
“Yeah. Now, can I use your phone? I need to call a mechanic.
“Signal tower just got hit by lightning. Nobody’s phone is working within twenty miles of here. You’ll have to stay the night.”
“Oh, I’d hate to impose,” it’s not that she was afraid. Gwendolyn seemed totally trustworthy, but to just stay in a stranger’s home?
“I insist.”
“Ok, sure.”
“You shouldn’t drive after that drink anyway, even if I loaned you one of my cars.”
“One of?”
“I have six, at least at this home.”
“Now Liz,” Gwendolyn continued, let’s get you some new clothes.”
“Elizabeth, please,” she replied as she followed her host up the winding staircase.
Every inch of the home was as splendid as the others. Upstairs, behind an oaken door, Gwendolyn led Elizabeth into a gorgeous bedchamber. Its high point was a four posted queen size bed. It was probably worth more than her car, especially now, and Elizabeth was already wondering what it would be like to sink into it.
Beyond that, the rest of the room was wall-to-wall closets. Yet another impressive sight in a house full of them. The next surprise was Gwendolyn flipping a wall switch and every closet sliding open at once. Spread across the room was a massive wardrobe, each and every piece was made of latex.
There was every kind of clothing, from casual to daring, to sexually provocative, from normal clothing to under garments and even swim wear. Nothing but latex as far as she could see. And beyond seeing, came the smell. A smell so unusual Elizabeth took a deep breath in and it made her head spin a little. Or was it the drink?
“What was that drink anyway? Mead?”
“It wasn’t booze. It was a chemical I worked on for… a very secret organization. A single glass costs 4.7 million dollars.”
“It has a very special effect on those who let it.”
“Let it?”
“Yes, all you need to do to avoid the effects is not allow them to happen. No need to worry?”
“What effects?”
“Making you my perfect live in loveslave.”
“What? Are you kidding?”
“No. And the very thought is already lodged in your mind. Staying here forever. This would be your room. This would be your wardrobe. And we would be together.”
“Look, this is all very… I can’t stay here. I’m a CEO. I’m important.”
“No family?”
“None left.”
“No friends?”
“Not really.”
“Sounds like a lonely life.”
“It comes with the job.”
“Why do you love your job so much?”
“The money for one.”
“I have far more.”
“There’s also the power.”
“You love power.”
“So giving up your power would be the ultimate sacrifice.”
“I suppose so, yes.”
“What would you give it up for?”
“Really? Nothing? Not wealth? Not luxury? Not pleasure, pleasure beyond any you have felt?”
“I… I don’t know.”
“Think about it. A life of pure pleasure. This house, these clothes, and a life like none you’ve dreamed of.”
“And sex?”
“Oh such sex, my darling. Sex beyond your kinkiest dreams.”
“What… what would change?”
“Your hair, for one. All you need to do right now is wish it, and your hair will become long, blonde, luxurious, and sexy as fuck.”
“I just… want it?”
Suddenly, something miraculous happened, Liz’s hair immediately grew out in plates. Now blond, it grew inches in seconds, ending up at her waistline. There was a curly bounce to it and, for the first time in a long time, Liz started thinking of herself as sexy.
“Not bad.”
“What are you?” asked Liz. “Some kind of witch?”
“Not a witch, a biochemist. One of the best to ever live. But this? This is my greatest achievement. Now, all these clothes are not going to fit you with those little tits. You need a lot bigger. Say a D-cup.”
“I could just, wish it?”
“And a curvier ass, curvier in general while you’re at it. You’ll feel so sexy, it will be wonderful.”
“I… I guess. Yeah. Yeah!”
She felt the change beginning. She opened the blanket so she could see. Her breasts were growing, right before her eyes! She could feel the changes in her ass and waistline too. She dropped the blanket, standing naked, taking in her new body.
“Looking good Lizzie.”
“Liz,” she replied. “What else?”
“Maybe a permanent tan? Plus, perfect skin? It sounds sexy, doesn’t it?”
“Yeah. Yeah!”
The tone of her skin changed to a rich, deep brown, almost bronzed. She felt every little freckle and blemish smooth into perfection.

“I approve, Lizzie,” said Gwendolyn, with a beaming smile. “Now let’s get you into some latex.”
The outfit Gwendolyn pulled from its hanger was clearly meant for sex. The top left the breasts exposed, pushed out in fact. The ass cheeks were cut out, and so was the crotch. Lizzie loved it. Gwendolyn passed it to her and, as she did, their hands brushed. The electric thrill that shot up Lizzie’s hands meant more than any corporate takeover, more than any dividend and more than the opinions of any shareholders.
She put the outfit on with ease. It fit her new body perfectly. Once again, she was overwhelmed by how sexy she felt.
“Now Lizzie, the last change is the big one. It’s your mind.”
“We can’t have you thinking bossy thoughts. We can’t have your old problems cropping up. You need a better mind, a sexier mind, the mind of a bimbo sextoy. A mind of constant pleasure. Of ecstasy. Of arousal, satisfaction, arousal, and satisfaction, forever. Don’t you want that? To be a bubbly, sexy, bimbo? Free of cares and worry. No need to work so hard. No need to think so hard. Just pure, hedonistic, pleasure.”
“I’m not sure…”
Approaching, Gwendolyn leaned in for a kiss. Lizzie saw it coming, and leaned in. It was amazing. Lizzie had never felt such passion. Never been as turned on in her life.
Gwendolyn pulled back and leaned in to whisper in her ear. “You just hit the jackpot, Lizzie.”
Lizzie knew it was true. This was what she wanted.
She took a deep breath, inhaling the overpowering scent of latex. The scent entered her body, her bloodstream, her brain. And with that, her mind began to melt. All her important tasks were a thing of the past. Her job, boring as she now knew it had been, faded completely from her memory. Her inhibitions disappeared, replaced enitely by the desire to please her new Mistress. Or was she new? How long had Lizzie been here? A week? A year? A lifetime?
“How do you feel Lizzie?”
She giggled. “Sexy, Mistress.”
“And what else?”
“Horny, Mistress.”
“What do you propose to do about that?”
“May I please eat your pussy, Mistress?”
“We can start there. We’re in a long night. And the wonderful thing is, I have seven more doses of that formula.”
Lizzie’s bimbo mind didn’t understand anything about formulas. She didn’t even remember anything about formulas. Even the word formula was beyond her grasp now. She only knew she must dutifully and eagerly eat out her Mistress. In return she would receive her pleasure. Just like always.
She had always been Lizzie.
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