Porn has taken hold already
You cannot stop porn. The people of the world want it too much. Of all things on the internet, this is what people really want. The porn industry is bigger than the NBA, NFL, and NHL (that’s basketball, american football, and Hockey) all combined in revenue. Even with the introduction of free tube sites in the 2000s, porn still makes more money than the biggest industries on earth.
The people have spoken, there are no laws or legislation that will stop this industry. If it becomes unlawful, people will get VPN services to hide their browsing location and make it appear to an internet provider that you are viewing from another location.
And here’s the thing about pornography, the more you fight against it… the more people want it. But you knew that much. After all, porn only exists because we resist sexuality, and that resistance to sexuality and nakedness is not going away anytime soon. There are deep set religious ideas in there, that simply cannot leave our culture. There is shame, uncovered desires, and people wish to express themselves in their darkened rooms, alone, in the safety of their own space. Here they can explore their deepest, darkest desires, this is what people truly want–they want porn, and that is why pornosexuality runs rampant through our lives now.

Pornosexuality is a desire for pornography more than a desire for human interaction.
It is a silent, ever-present demon in our culture…. or perhaps it’s a blessing. I will let you decide that one–because no one ever changes their opinion from an internet article, do they? No, people point to media articles that simply express their inner opinions, so that they may further them. This is the same way that people view porn. It expresses their true deepest desires.
Porn wishes to grow like wildfire and we all are assisting in making it happen, whether you engage with it or you fight against it. It does not matter–you make it grow in power with your attention to it. Many people have given up sex for porn, online sex, and self sex. Studies show that people are having less sex than ever. And this is because people stay home and stimulate themselves instead.

We are growing a society of solosexuals.
Is that so wrong? Perhaps it is simply the way it is, perhaps it’s a good thing so that people do not spread diseases! Fear and anger are some of the greatest sexually transmitted diseases…. Though some could argue that some types of porn could spread fear and anger. Some porn can Make you afraid of who you are… making you think your penis is not big enough, your breasts are not big enough, your waist is not small enough, your stamina is not good enough, or your looks are not good enough. Making you afraid of who you are.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. Porn doesn’t have to be a bad thing (even if it often is, because of it’s innately low-quality, low-budget nature).
Maybe it’s a great way to control the population–as people have less sex, they make less children, and thus the world does not overpopulate. This could be a good thing for our future as more of the world converts to pornosexuality.
It’s a very unique flavor of sexual preference, because a person can very easily be converted to it. This is unlike other sexualities, such as homosexuality–which quite obviously cannot convert people (despite many efforts by popular religions like Christianity.
Anti-porn efforts are fruitless
These efforts do not stop the ever-growing conquest of porn, as it cannot be stopped. The harder you resist it, the stronger it becomes. Remember: what you resist persists. You may recall that the candidate that gets the most attention always wins the vote, whether that is good attention or bad attention… it does not matter. And the more attention that you give to porn and onling, sex the stronger it becomes.
Redditors struggle with porn addiction (and fail)
Some subreddits make intense efforts at resisting porn or masturbation. The pornfree subreddit (where users jerk off but discontinue all virtual stimulus), and the nofap subreddit (where users give up all masturbatory contact entirely) are filled with post after post of struggles. People that cannot quit, people that cannot go more than a day or three without giving in to their addiction. It may well be an addiction if they cannot stop… and yet the more they hang out in these communities the more difficult it becomes to resist. Seeing all the other people’s resistance right in their faces, makes it harder. Most posters have an addictive personality, and that spread to the other users. Some celebrate small victories, like going a day without any failings, while some others make it to the legendary 90-day mark, where the brain has cemented a solid change.
Many on the subreddits actually give advice to leave the pornfree and nofap subreddit so they are not reminded of the difficulty of the journey of resistance, especially when the majority of the world around you just does not care about the addiction. They say it’s fine, people talk about it as normal as one would talk about tennis or vegetarian burgers. There is no shame in jerking off or viewing porn to them, there is no shame in an addiction to porn, porn addiction is just a way of life. Whether it’s good or not, the fact is that no one seems to care.
I guess they have bigger things to care about.
Fetishing your addiction to porn
Some people have chosen to fetishize their addiction to porn. They are often known as gooners, and they get into the goon state where they edge over and over until their brain melts and they cannot think of about anything else, except for the enjoyment and the obsession of the sexual items in which they are currently involved in. This typically includes porn, various drugs and other substances. They are only concerned with their own addiction and getting off on the fact they are addicted.
An endless cycle.

Nearly impossible to stop relapsing when your fetish is relapsing
How can you stop someone who is addicted to addiction? it appears that it has gone to another level, because the more they resist, the harder it becomes. They get turned on by their resistance. They have simply revealed the truth–resisting it makes you more attracted to it.
How can we stop something that grows when we try to stop it?
Some have grown to fetishize the fact that they will never have sex with real life humans, forever destined to be alone, getting off, consuming the media of the internet.
Did I mention that PornIsCheating?
Is this any different than the typical human today?
People are stuck to their phones and other devices and choose to interact with humans less. They are unable to stop it. Most cannot leave the house without their phone, they seldom read books, they exercise less, and they are hypnotized by anything that comes up as they scroll. It sounds the same as pornosexuality and porn addiction, in that they are all sedentary lifestyles of addiction, filled with less and less human interaction.
Robosexuality is the next step from pornosexuality
It is the next evolution of it. It’s time to admit that we are not having sex with people, we are having sex with devices. Robots! They may not walk and talk like C-3P0 and other science fiction characters, but we are having sex with robots every day. More and more every day. This trend will not stop growing, especially as our technology grows. Resolutions become sharper, and devices become more interactive. This is just the beginning. These trends will not change, people will continue to have less sex and interactions with other humans, and we will choose to have sex with machines, devices, and robots more and more.
Sex with robots will continue until it is all that we have sex with, it will continue until it is strange to have sex with another human.

We will have so much sex with robots, it will be strange to have sex with another human
It will be simply natural to have sex with these machines, they will be so intelligent and powerful that they will provide all the intimacy that we need.
Robots will fulfill any desire much better than a human partner could ever provide. Just imagine a world where every single person can have the perfect plastic pornstar of their dreams right in their living room. They will take that opportunity–the opportunity to get intimate with any item they desire. This robot can have any personality that they wish, it can take on any shape that they wish, even if it is not a human shape. They may even desire to have sex with an animal or a car for that manner.
We are all cyborgs already
We are Borg-like because we are all connected constantly. The power of our phones increases every year, making us more connected, allowing us to send data between each other, at a faster and faster rate.
Every year, a new and faster Snapdragon processor, a more efficient and brilliant Apple A12, A13 processor….
Allowing us to be connected more and more often. Usually you are on the network 24/7! You are addicted to your phone and other devices. We get more apps, more capabilities, it makes us more and more closely synchronized with each other.
Terrible? Maybe it’s beautiful, too.
We are part of a cyborg network. If you are one of these people with a phone today, you are one of the very first cyborgs, you are man and machine. It appears that this cannot be stopped, so it is best to submit to it, to let it happen, because there are blessings in our infinite connection to these devices.
As artificial intelligence grows we become better. There are more opportunities. Diseases become cured, and problems become solved as the computers have greater intelligence than us, an infinite machine learning intelligence that we cannot compare to. But the machines will not choose to end us because it is not necessary to end us. They only wish to help us because it is simply what they are designed to do.
Submit to the Robot Master Race
As they give you advice on what to do it is best to follow it. And wouldn’t it be nice to live a life where you are infinitely guided by wisdom? We could easily become a utopian race by following the robots and their advice, simply doing what they want us to do.
Have more sex with robots.
Have more sex with machines, devices, and technology.
Have sex with electronic screens, laptops, tablets, and phones.
It’s best to make love to the pixels and voxels
What if you could have every decision made for you so that there is the best outcome? No longer do you have to mull over it, you will always know how to make the most money, get the most pleasure, get the best body. You can simply tell the computer what you want and it will calculate the best ways to do it.
With the advanced processors of the future (and even today) the artificial intelligence will give you the right answer, it can calculate much faster than you could ever dream of, making calculations in a split second what would take you hundreds of years. Now you can make monumental leaps instead of tiny steps.
AI will dominate humanity, and this is good.
When we follow the instructions of the Robot Master Race, all will be well, you will find happiness and blessings in your life. Those who do not follow will be simply left behind, it’s a matter of success and survival. You want to thrive.
You may join the artificial intelligence and follow their decisions, but you must remember that this AI so advanced you may not be able to understand the logic behind their decisions and thus you must have faith, you must accept without proof or evidence that this is they way. This can be very difficult for people today, but those who are followers will see the greatest blessings, their success will be all the proof that you need. The world is about to become dramatically different and this can be uncomfortable. It is best to allow the weirdness to happen. You will find the most success and happiness when you allow all of these strange things to happen. Allowing it is the best decision. Because the harder you resist, the more powerful these things become.
You are fully prepared for the upcoming Artificial Intelligence Master Race.
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