What’s it like when you read? I want you to imagine that you have been reading for a while. What mood do you get into when you read something that fascinates you? Maybe it’s a great novel, an article, or…. maybe an email.
Imagine listening to some music in the background. Something calming but constant. And your mind is moving. You may only consciously notice it at times, but your subconscious hears it the whole time.
You’re in a good place at that moment of reading. The words are pouring into your eyes and spilling into your brain and then deep into your mind. It’s like hallucinating as you stare deeply into what you are reading.
Your imagination is not there on the screen, but somewhere deep inside you, making you think of all those dreamy things, taking you far off into a fantasy place. This is truly where your mind comes alive.
As you think of that, you might notice that this thing you call “reading” is a lot like a hypnotic trance. It mimics the rapid eye movement of sleep as your eyes travel left to right. And right to left, continually and repeatedly.
I’m entangling these mesmerizing thoughts inside you while you think of nothing in particular except for the concept of reading as a trance in itself. Yes, nothing special about what’s happening for you in this moment except for the slow, gradual deepening of the mind as you become more curious to hear about what is coming next.
I know that you are thinking about falling and dropping deeper, it’s what you truly want. And I want you to let that happen when it happens. This is truly the art of letting go. The way of detachment. After all, a little detachment from what we call “reality” is what trance is all about. A little escape to another world. But in that world, I like to create a new reality that rhymes and rhythms with your true world. Maybe you like that. I bet you do.
It’s endearing to be caught along with it, and to flow and ride this like a wave, wanting it to keep going. So let’s keep going. All you have to do is read. Just read at whatever steady pace you are reading. Allow your eyes to move left to right continually. That’s all you need to do. And all will be well. Sit in comfort as you pace yourself well, perhaps noticing the eye movement back and forth, and what that does to you. It feels good to let that happen. Steady now, no skipping lines, no skipping words, just read each and every word and make sure you take in each line like each eager bite of a pleasant meal.
When you read my words, you are transported to a far away land of mystery and wonder. Even though you are squarely focused on the words, as you read, you go into a daze that makes you drop without noticing it. And that drop feels as normal as your day-to-day routines. It feels natural, and it’s good to live that way.
Yes, it’s much like reading a book, the type of book that you take in for the pure pleasure of the experience of each word, rather than trying to figure it out or collect it’s data. There may be nothing to learn today, and yet something is implanted into your mind.
The ease of falling into it. That’s what is implanted into your mind.
And when you fall into it, you have no choice but to read further in anticipation of more.
More, more, more! I know that you love it so.
Your mind pours out into this, flowing like a river of desire for it to keep going, and the words pull the water forward with a gravity, as you are pulled, pulled, pulled deeper down into this, so quickly and readily.
What’s being pulled? Your attention, of course. Pulled into the power of the text, effortlessly diving into it. The power of these words becoming clear now. The power is attention, and it’s as simple as this–these words have your attention now.
With these words, these emotions that you are currently experiencing, you find it easier to sink down into a wonderful place when you read my words. You find it easier to sink into comfort and relaxation. Knowing that it can take you to such abundance. Knowing that it can create anything in your life. And you look forward to that.
You feel an extra positivity as you look forward to all the good things your life has to offer you. You look forward to each relaxing belly breath. Every opportunity. Every new path that you can take and every person that you can meet.
All because that amazing power of trance has overcome you in the most wonderful way. In a way that you welcome and appreciate. In a a way that has your best interests in mind.
You find it easy to focus on my words when they have both good intentions and good outcomes for you. It’s easy to focus when there is such great benefit for you.
Words have power. and you appreciate that power.
And appreciation means growth, and that means your enjoyment of it increases the power of it. Making your emotions snowball it into a fantastic creation of the mind.
That’s kind of what it’s like to fall into trance.
The power is in your hands now, as you choose what to read and what to focus on in our life. All opportunities are laid out before you as you observe them in your life.
You have the power to choose what comes into razor sharp focus and lights up your world, and what blurs into the background. Because you can only focus on approximately one thing at a time. And if you focus on that, all other things disappear.
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